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April 20, 2009


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Julie Kang

I am floored! That little Joe is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of shoegazer-inspired music:
Glasvegas (Scottish!!!)
Silversun Pickups (their new album took me a couple listens, but I now like it)
Darker My Love
This Will Destroy You (all instrumental, soaring rock anthems)

And according to iTunes, I've also been listening to:
Andrew Bird
Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Thanks for your shares.
Lately on the playlist:
- M.I.A.
- Ting Tings
- Phoenix
- Feist
aaand the song "Engine Heart" by Mirah


Joe IS a rock star. Man, that kid is even better than Neil Peart!

A. Yellis

It says 'obscure music lover' right on my twitter bio, so you know I'm legit.

I can't say enough about Passion Pit. Download the Chunk of Change EP and begin eagerly awaiting their first album, which drops on May 19. (they will be huge - you maybe heard it here first)

& Dan Black, but his good stuff can be hard to find. I'd particularly recommend 'U + Me', 'HYPNTZ', and 'Yours'.

& Timid Tiger if you dig pop-tastic anthems you love to get sick of.

& A.C. Newman's 'Take On Me' if you can't think of anything better than an acoustic cover of everyone's second favorite eighties theme.


Whoa. That little drummer is insanely talented.
I am not in the know anymore and I mostly listen to old stuff. Today on a long MetroNorth ride I listened to Portishead's "Roseland NYC Live". It was beautiful.


P.S. I have been enjoying Nouvelle Vague as well. Nobody is quite like them.


OMG. The drummer is amazing. can't believe he is only 3.5 i've seen the Korean kid before. he's amazing too...

my little one LOVES to drum... maybe i should let him watch more youtube videos.

a short clip of him drumming can be seen here:


he's 2.5 years old.. so i guess 1 year to get as good as the other boy. heh.


oh, lately, inspired by Susan Boyle, i've listened to the Les Miserables soundtrack. always good.

Rob O.

Ah, my iPod is my life!

I have a pretty broad range of musical tastes. This past weekend, we did a road trip with the whole Collective Soul catalog on shuffle, enjoyed the new Keith Urban album, wigged out to some old (Sammy Hagar-era) Van Halen and even older Loverboy. Just to keep my wife guessing, I threw in some new Ne-Yo, Kelly Clarkson, and Natasia Bedingfield. She only tolerated those for a short while.

When I'm alone, I like to listen to Jesse Cook's Flamenco-World stuff and lots of smooth Jazz sax from Paul Taylor, David Sanborn, Mindi Abair, and Richard Elliot. Sometimes I even play a dab of classical Baroque music. My wife doesn't go for jazz at all and really has a hard time understanding why anyone would want to intentionally listen to instrumental music.

Also been listening to the new Chris Cornell / Timbaland collaboration. Jury's still out on this. It's very odd for the former Soundgarden frontman to be doing such light, urban fare.

Daddy Geek Boy

That kid drumming video was insane. I too have not a shred of musical talent. It saddens me. At least there's Rock Band.

I second the Silver Sun Pickups and the Ting Tings.

A band that I totally love is The Fratellis. Their first album, Costello Music, was instantly one of my favorites.


I just have to say on a serious note that your attitude about exposing your child to music is so refreshing. As a music therapist, it's ingrained in my psyche that each person responds to different music and that all types of music have value. It warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart when I hear someone who clearly has his or her own musical tastes but still believes that kids deserve to listen to high quality music and that they get to choose whether or not they like it.


You said something important - something I didn't realize I'd been doing. I'm influencing my boys' musical tastes. I don't want to do that. They're 11, 9 and 3 - they all love music (they all adore me - really!), and I haven't allowed them to determine what they like. Wow. Thanks.

Great videos - amazing kids.


Want to know why I think I love you, MD? Those are two of my all-time favorite quotes about music and you posted them on your blog. I LOVE YOU!

Now, run out and download the Jason Mraz album. I can't stop listening to it.


I just want to say I have the blackmail karaoke photos in my possession if anyone is interested. A dollar a peek.


I've been listening to Adam Lambert. His Mad World blows me away.


I have so many favorites, so...
-Ben Harper (Any of his albums are fantastic, although my favorite is Burn to Shine)
-The Hush Sound
-KT Tunstall
-Regina Spektor
-Lily Allen
-The Von Bondies
-The Format
-Tally Hall (This one just makes me giggle. And with an album name like Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, how can you NOT have fun listening to it?

Others that I enjoy but aren't on my playlists enough:
-The Cliks
-Death From Above 1979
-Fleming & John (Ugly Girl gets giggles out of me too)
-The Mars Volta

Big D

Just found out about K'naan and his music. His second album, Troubadour is what's playing constantly on my Ipod. Not how you perceive a hip-hop record is but should be.


There's a really great band out of Seattle that you should check out. They're The Copper Kings.


OK, it's my band but let's support reader bands. :-)

Spontaneous Mini

I listen to a lot of Hindi Bollywood music. To be more specific A R Rahman compositions- therefore versatile. Namely "Delhi 6" and "Jaane tu Ya Jaane Na" they range from classical to folk to pop and everything Jaane tu has some Jazz influence too.
They r all Bollywood musicals.
My English Favs are Corriene Bailey Rae and Sondre Lerche.

metro mama

You need a Toronto indie band on your playlist. Try Metric.

pensive legal alien

Watching these kids play gives me mixed feelings. There's fascination, yes, but I'm also wondering to what degree they have been pushed to get there...

As for suggestions, what about the recent album by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss?

And not very recent but for some weird reason The Shins have quite an addictive effect on me.

And there's always the Beta Band...

Dana K

Great DJ (Ting Tings)

Electric Feel (MGMT)

O Superman (Booka Shade)


Young Joe is nearly as good as Jackson Hockey Jesus!


You dropped a Rush reference -- awesome! You're now an honourary Canuck...and yes, that's how we spell honourary.


I am really into Vampire Weekend right now. I love the song "The kids don't stand a chance".
I am also loving Kings of Leon and Reel Big Fish. I know Reel Big Fish is not a new band, but the song, "Your guts, I hate them" has been playing over and over in my head.
sorry about my grammar


If your daughter likes country music, play her "Already Gone" by Sugarland or "I Run To You" by Lady Antebellum. Both great songs and my country kids love 'em.


I love these videos, MD. Been passing along your post to all my friends, family and co-workers. Young Joe is a huge hit!


I've been listening to Blind Pilot A LOT for the last couple of months, and dragged myself out of the house for a 10:00 (p.m., that is) show in March.


If I tell you, you'll mock me.

Okay, FINE.

I am currently listening to Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen and to make me less suicidal afterward: Britney Spears.

Don't judge.


"I know Reel Big Fish is not a new band, but the song, "Your guts, I hate them" has been playing over and over in my head. "

Ooo! I LOVE that song!


I used to take piano lessons, too! They weren't that bad, but my sister and I covered for each other and we would tell our mom that we practiced when we really didn't. In fourth grade, however, I joined band and played percussion for 9 years. I don't think too many people were expecting a girl, let alone an Asian girl, in the percussion section.

Music I'm digging:
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Jack's Mannequin
Lykke Li
Bon Iver
The Kills
Kings of Leon

If you haven't already done so, check out last.fm. It's like Pandora, but with more indie options.


Right now, I'm also loving AC Newman, The Fratellis and Kings of Leon. I mix it up with a little Tragically Hip, Serena Ryder, The Trews, and Matt Mays (as well as Matt Mays and El Torpedo). Bliss has been found in an iPod playlist.


Little Joe was awesome! Why is not the current top internet sensation (or is he?).

In order to really fully appreciate Joe, you must have (or had) a 3.5 year old child. For him to have that coordination and patience (to drum for 8.5 minutes!) is very impressive.

The only thing my kids can do for 8.5 minutes is watch a Disney movie or whine in my ear.


I mostly find music only after others have long since forgotten about it or stopped caring. So it will come as no surprise if you've already gotten sick of everything I'm about to list. If not, you should start now ...

Down to Earth from WALL-E by Peter Gabriel.
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want covered by Clayhill
Daughter by Loudon Wainwright III
Flume (and other songs) by Bon Iver
Raise by Son Lux

happy rocking.

Maternal Mirth

When people are looking for new music, I always suggest Susan Tedeschi. Her voice floors me everytime.

Also, for some summer fun music, try The Format. Their album "Interventions and Lullabyes" is a car-jam staple for me.

Fragrant Liar

Alas, I have no iPod, so no recommendations on music. Unless you haven't heard Daughtry or the new Kelly Clarkson or Alison Kraus and Robert Plant.

First time visitor. Love your blog. Really loved the prodigies. Awesome.



These kids are amazing! The drummer is awesome and I sent it to a buddy of mine that is an awesome drummer as well. Not sure if he was one at 3.5 yrs old.

Currently listening to:
Damien Dempsey (saw him at Mecury Lounge earlier this year)
Once Soundtrack
Miles Davis - Green Haze Album
The Cult - Electric, mostly, but some Love album too

Then I listen to a couple of comedians:
Dane Cook - Harmful If Swallowed
Dave Atell - Drunk with Power
Russell Peters -

Enjoy! I'll be picking through all the suggestions here too.

Emily B

Just found your blog through MOM 101 and was checking it out. I have a very good suggestion. Dustin Kensrue. He is absolutely amazing. He also has a band called Thrice, which you should also check out because it too is amazing.


Found your blog through Angry Asian Man. Considering I used to live in your neck of the woods, I'm surprised I didn't pick up your blog earlier. Anyway, I stumbled upon Portishead's "Machine Gun", released last year. Link:


it's so cute that peanut is into country music!
and those kids are AMAZING.


Love the videos. Thank you for sharing.

As for music, I am still listening to the same things I listened to in high school and college, and I was hardly on the cutting edge then. So I'm looking forward to getting some inspiration from your readers, too.

Mama Nabi

Did you say trombone?? And I thought I was the only schmuck who picked trombone in school. :-) We gotta duet one of these days.

I know, I totally have that Korean mama mentality when it comes to starting LN out on some Suzuki method.


If you haven't already, you must check out a very talented singer/songwriter...Todd Snider.


TV on the Radio

Warren Zevon 'My Rides Here' and go ahead and bust out 'Excitable Boy' while your at it.

Flogging Molly -'whiskey on a sunday'

And just to "keep it reelz" the new Ghostface Killer is good. As is my local hip-hop group The Cunniglinguists.

Paul Lee

As I read this entry, AC/DC was playing "For Those About to Rock, We Salute You" as the last song of their set being broadcast on TV. Go figure.

Phil Kwon

Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Stars - Elevator Love Letter
Matt Wertz - 5:19
N.E.R.D. - Sooner or Later
DJ Dangermouse - The Grey Album (very obscure, torn from shelves because he sampled both The Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album)
Ron Pope - The Reason I Come Home
Chairlift - Bruises
Rilo Kiley - I Never


Lately my attention has been divided between two recent pickups:
Glasvegas, a disc that reminds me of mid 90s alt rock, and the Hold Steady, who sound like the coolest bar band you've ever heard. Check 'em out.


You must totally check out Metric!

In my playlist:

Succexy- Metric
I'm good I'm gone- Lykke Li
Bruises- Chairlift
Around the bend- The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Islands in the Stream- Feist and the Constantines
Mr Wonderful- Shiina Ringo(electric mole concert)

And check out theredneckmommy.com! She's an incredible and insanely funny mommy. lol.


I usually listen to a lot of Japanese rock; band such as X-Japan and Luna Sea. Going along in the same vein of this post, here's a kid who's pretty amazing on the drums.



MD. When will you start twittering? Would love to follow!!

A Free Man

I hated piano lessons as well. At some point my Mom let me quit and she told me that I'd regret it some day. Dammit if the woman wasn't right.

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